Dor Shinar

The author

I'm Dor Shinar. I am a Software Engineer from Israel 🇮🇱.

I have a passion for web development and I focus on React. I also love TypeScript and testing.

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The Hidden Costs of Nano Repos

January 21, 2024

It's very easy to overlook the costs associated dealing dealing with multiple repos. I'd like to highlight some of them.

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Creating a tree-shakable library with tsup

September 18, 2023

Tree shaking is a crucial part of Javascript libraries, but it can be a tricky feat to achieve.

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The Perils of a Flaky Pipeline

July 31, 2023

A flaky testing pipeline can be a major blocker for developer productivity. This post goes over the process we went through at AI21 Labs to improve our pipeline.

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Creating Infinite Scroll Hook in React

March 20, 2021

Infinite scrolling is a great way to only fetch what the user can see, while still feeling like there's more to scroll. Let's implement that in React.

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Avoiding impossible state with TypeScript

October 20, 2020

Typescript's greatest strength, in my opinion is it's ability to disallow forbidden state.

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Creating Custom Github Actions is Easy!

July 15, 2020

Github actions are a great way to run custom CI workflows. What's great is that they're super easy to write.

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A Guarded City with no Defensive Wall - My 2¢ on TypeScript

February 18, 2020

TypeScript is a police protecting a city that has no walls - if you let anyone in you'll have a really bad time. But It's definitely not useless.

Continuous Integration with Github Actions and Puppeteer

December 15, 2019

Using puppeteer for e2e testing is really awesome. I'll show you how to integrate it with github actions.

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Themes Using CSS Variables and React Context

October 25, 2019

CSS variables are awesome! We can integrate them beautifully with React Context for a super easy way to theme our application.

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Be The Perfect Teammate

September 12, 2019

Being a good teammate is sometimes more important than being a good developer.

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Building a Personal Blog

June 26, 2019

A journey toward a professional-ish blog for my articles and thoughts.

Why I've Stopped Writing Snapshots Tests in Jest

June 18, 2019

I've stopped using them as I find no use maintaining useless tests. Enlighten me if you can!

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Linting Your React+Typescript Project With ESlint and Prettier

January 21, 2019

ESlint and Prettier are a bless for the JS world, and up until now there was no proper solution to achieving the same greatness with typescript. In this guide I'll walk you through how you can drink the cool kids juice as well.